Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Pembentangan

It's rather cool that our group's effort has finally been paid off. The lecturer loves us. She was like: "Kumpulan ini adalah yang terbaik antara etc etc" (I don't actually remember the exact words that she used but well, I still rememebr the gist of it). Not meaning to make fun of the other groups, but well, they just read -READ- from the slides... it's like.. duh.. boring~ No wonder the teacher loves our presentation - we have a sketch and a little song singing session. All in all, good work, people! Give yourselves a round of applause.

Thank god that we managed to pull this off after all the fiasco mentioned in the previous post (Bad News Come in a Chain).. Yeah, we rock!! And we will rock on!

P/S: Now... back to boring chemistry report... *sigh*

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