Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another personality test

These tests are kind of fun :P

Anyway, this one might just be more accurate...

I'll just post it here:


This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention. Approximately 94.5% of respondents have a lower openness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is far more intellectually curious [heheheh] and sensitive to beauty than most [Oh? is it so? hmm..]. You might say that your beliefs are individualistic and frequently drift towards the unconventional, and that you enjoy your imagination and the exciting places it takes you! [Imagination is 'da shizzle'! ... 'da shizzle' is the trademark of TSY, it can be, in no way, reproduced in any form without the consent of the original author stated above ;)]
Reflective question: What place do you think that tradition has in society (if any)?
Reply: There are traditions but I hardly practice any of them :P


This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer an organised, or a flexible, approach in life. Approximately 54% of respondents have a lower conscientiousness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is random [RANDOM... I like :P] and fun to be around but that you can plan and persist when life requires it [Humans are, afterall, very persistant..]. From your responses it appears that depending on the situation, you can make quick decisions or deliberate for longer if necessary [ya right.. quick 'wrong' decisions, that is..].
Reflective question: How do you go about organising your workload?
Reply: plan, plan and plan, but then, if something comes up right in the middle, I'll just do the best that I can :)


This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. Approximately 11.5% of respondents have a lower extraversion raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is quiet and somewhat withdrawn. Your answers describe you as someone who doesn't need lots of other people around to have fun [gaming ftw!], and can sometimes find that people are tiring [oh yeah... there's just too many people... too many people......].
Reflective question: How do you like to spend your spare time?
Reply: Gaming or reading xD


This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. Approximately 27.5% of respondents have a lower agreeableness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who people can find difficult to get along with when you first meet [true.. true..], as you can be suspicious of their motives [motives... muahahahaha]. Your responses suggest that over time though people warm to you, and you to them, although that doesn't stop you telling them "how it is" [ok... what is 'how it is'??].
Reflective question: When others are experiencing problems, what do you do?
Reply: I try to comfort/help them if I think they could use some comforting/help... if not, I'll probably leave them alone so that they can overcome their problems (referring mainly to emotional problems) themselves and be stronger because of this.

Neuroticism (Emotional stability)

This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, life's demands. Approximately 78.8% of respondents have a lower neuroticism raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is generally calm [emphasise more on the 'generally' :P]. Based on your responses, you come across as someone who can feel emotional or stressed out by some experiences, however your feelings tend to be warranted by the situation.
Reflective question: Which situations make you feel under pressure and which situations do not?
Reply: When I have a high expectation of myself (most of the time, that is...) or someone else has that kind of expectation = lots of pressure. I don't feel pressure when I'm very, very and perhaps overly confident that I can do well in a thing - and I get more confident if I prepare more.

The results for Jungian Typology Estimate is:


Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving

INTPs are quiet, thoughtful, analytical individuals who don't mind spending long periods of time on their own [True there... but I can still get bored of alone-ness], working through problems and forming solutions. INTPs tend to be less at ease in social situations [Right on!] and the 'caring professions,' although they enjoy the company of those who share their interests [Hmm, rather correct there..]. They also tend to be impatient with the bureaucracy, rigid hierarchies, and politics prevalent [haha, right on again!] in many professions, preferring to work informally with others as equals. INTPs' extraverted intuition often gives them a quick wit, especially with language, and they can defuse the tension in gatherings by comical observations and references [LOL, always I do this kind of thing ya know... like commenting on something that cracked up my friends]. They can be charming [me? charming? hahahahahahahahaha], even in their quiet reserve way, and are sometimes surprised by the high esteem in which their friends and colleagues hold them [huh? high esteem? Do other people really think highly of me? WOW, niceee ;)].

And surprise, surprise... the test told me to take English as my major.. haha... I knew it! But anyway, journalism is a far cry from normal English :)

P/S: I'll post about my holidays in the next post

Legend: [] = my thoughts

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