Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just Thought You Ought To Know

Just thought you ought to know
You are our best teacher
Dedicated to what you do
You’ve enlightened our ignorant selves
Showered us with your vast knowledge
Surprised us with your treasured experience
You’ve gave us all you’ve got
And, of course, there’s still the extras
The ‘little’ help you gave to push up our grades
The significant smile you gave when you said: ‘Cabut lari’
The laughable moments you gave when you joke around
The funny times you gave when you -opps- ‘mis-drew’ a diagram
The exciting experiments you gave, will always make us cheer
- but no reports, please -
These moments of joy, excitement, fun and laughter
Will reside in our memories forever and ever
Just thought you ought to know
You are our best teacher
We will never forget you, my friend-teacher
Till our lives extinguished
Till the world ends
You will always remain in our hearts
Just thought you ought to know
For all the gratitude we have
Can be expressed in just three letters
Thank you, teacher
And have a Happy Teachers’ Day!!!

"A teacher's day poem that I have written for Pn Khoo D.D. :)" - S.Y.

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