Thursday, January 6, 2011

Game update

Wooohoooo!!! Yes I know it's just a game and any achievements that I've gotten through it is practically useless in real life but I can only brag so much so please allow me to 'show off' about this: my mage has finally hit the 5.5k gs mark (have to regem and enchant a bit still :P)! Yes, you have not heard wrong. Well, my druid hit the mark first - 5565GS as of current. Now, I just need to get my DK into icc and try to get into icc heroics with my ret pally. My shammy's at 5.3k, priest nearly 5k, tank at 5.3k (lousy threat generation though), holy pally at 5.2k, rogue at 5k and hunter at 5.4k. No need to mention my lock coz I kinda gave up on it. It's so hard to play it well lol. I've also realised that I sucked playing fire mage - a ench shammy with like 600 less gs than me can out-dps me >.> OMG! I sucked that much?! But I certainly can heal with my tree :P need more haste still though.

I am also proud to say my ally druid is sitting at about 5.3k gs while my rogue, after having to relearn how to play combat spec, is having 5.2k gs. My ally shammy is also at the 5.3k gs mark I think. My pally tankadin is at the 4.5k gs though. Still need to work on it :P

And, now I've realised why some lowbie (low gs peeps) have, suddenly, a icc heroic gear... alt looting - that's why :| How unfair is that? Sigh. I have lots of alts so if I really wanted to alt loot, I would have rolled for every gear that dropped lol.

Well, that's all for now. I only have like a day or two left for gaming then it's back to crappy internet at Kampar and, if Cata updates come, no WoW at all! Sigh... giving up the game is really as bad as it sounds.... zzz

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I've dwnloaded the cata expansion dy! Can't wait!!! <3
