Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts on Judgement Day (Book)

I've just finished about 270 pages of the book Judgement Day by James F.David and had felt very sad for the victims in the story.

There's a particular part of the story where I hated the most - a so-called professional 'psychotherapist' is manipulating little kids (3-5 year olds) to 'remember' child molestation stories (but the kids will believe that the stories are true - they will remember the stories as 'memories') to be used against their very own parents. Imagine how sad that would be, as a parent, to see your very own child to accuse you, falsely, of child molestation/ abuse, when you had done nothing to them. These false 'memories' planted by that evil psychotherapist into gullible children are the worst thing that can be done to a parent who loves his/her kids very much.

Ishh, the more I read about that part the more I hate that psychotherapist. She misused her talent by manipulating kids. This is just so wrong! Causing the kid to hate his/her parents forever and making him/her to actually want to leave them, willingly.

Also, in any child abuse case, the parents being accused are given less chance to actually prove their innocence - the judge will definitely pity the child who claimed (after being brainwashed by that evil psychotherapist) he/she was abused sexually by their father and their mother just stood there and let it happen. Sigh, if this kind of stuff happens to the real world, the real world must be very messed up indeed though I'm sure kids IRL are not that dumb though - still, kids at the younger age range (as mentioned in the first para) are very gullible to anything :|

Sigh, the author really had done some soul searching about this, I guess, and knew it will let the reader have very strong emotions about it. I oh so hate that 'psychotherapist' ..grrr!!

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