Tuesday, January 31, 2012

J-On reporter - reporting for duty!

Oh SHT, I can't believe my crappy application letter was accepted by J-On. Damn!!! I'm so not prepared for this...

Have to cover Prof Dr Edmund's talk on 15th of Feb on, highly likely, pharmacology research or something O.O and I have only 1 day to finish writing the article lol >< Have to take photograph some more (and my photography skills are like super bad)

Anyway, to document this important part of my life here's the application letter that I wrote (yes, I do keep the stuff that I wrote - * vanity in some sense* - lol!)

Name: Toh Saw Yi
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Course: Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biotechnology
Contact number: 016-4454057

First of all, I will start off by saying that I'm a science enthusiast. I'm interested from the A to Z aspects of science: from physics to biology, from astronomy to molecular genetics. I often, in my free time, look up on the internet on exciting news and discoveries in the science field. I believe that J-on is ready to be expanding from just reporting on university lives of the students here or on their opinions on certain general or political issues (I am very impressed when J-on did an article on the Bersih 2.0 rally and had asked the opinions of the students). It would be very interesting to see the responses of students or perhaps lecturers of various proficiency and expertise on the controversial issues in the science field which will or are currently affecting our daily lives - such as genetic engineering of food products, environmental biotechnology, human cloning, customised babies etc. I'm sure I can contribute to J-on in terms of this new side of news reporting.

However, I'm also an average teenager meaning that I do keep in touch with the latest music, trend etc and I believe I will be able to do well in these sort of topics as well. Furthermore, being a frequent YouTube surfer, I often come across new talents or indie singers/bands that I feel deserves a lot more recognition. Through online interviews with these YouTube stars, I'm sure we can exposed the J-on community to a wider variety of indie music. This also can be applied to current UTAR singers/bands or any talented individuals - an article featuring an interview would be great to promote our own UTARians' diverse abilities. Adding these to my love for reading and writing (I am also able write book reviews, movie reviews etc), I'm positive I can help J-on in terms of the entertainment sector.

Lastly, I would say, humbly, that I'm a person with ideas. Given enough time, I will be able to provide a variety of ideas from various perspectives. If J-on is ready to move on to covering a wider range of topics such as those of a registered newspaper company (For example, publishing students' works, such as essays, poems, songs etc), I'm sure I will be able to contribute ideas as well as manpower to help get J-on to a higher level.

That being said, I hope that you would consider my application. I await eagerly for your reply. Thanks in advance!

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