Thursday, April 19, 2012

Paintball = Painball

seriously, paintball = painball lol!

First round I kena one on the arm coz I tried to wei gong them, there's a person there hiding but I cant seem to hit him/her but then no one to backup me haiz... could have shot him/her one.

Second round, I tot they ran out of bullets, so I ran to the car there, kena quite a lot - mask 1, chest 2 and arm another one.

Third round, tried to hide behind the aluminium plate there. Works pretty well, didn't kena at all, but then we lost the flag when I took a break from shooting.

Fourth round, tried to hide behind car, kena 1 stray shot coz car no doors one zzzz.

Fifth round, death match - hid behind the barrel there providing cover fire for Si Nan and Terry. I think I did a pretty good job, coz they managed to kena 3 people there. Had to leave the scene coz ran out of bullets though.

Last round death match, hid behind the hill there to try to provide cover but then, gun jammed for awhile, then they ldy ran so far in front dy. Heard that someone's coming from the right so I turned right only to see Kin Tat retreating. Then I started shooting randomly coz cannot see. Fire was returned and kena my leg, I press myself flat against the hill, take a deep breathe, and returned fire, then hid again. But then, this time, he just stood up and shoot down from above, kena my other leg. But b'coz of him standing up, he kena shot by Si Nan ahahah. :)

This is the blow-by-blow account of my experience. 5 bruises total - 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 shoulder joint (this one sooooo painful)

Seriously lah~ cannot see at all - my specs fogged up, my mask fogged up ish~. If I can see, I can shoot way better :| and maybe can become sniper liao ahahah - my specialty.

Anyway, it's a good experience :P Had fun and will go another time if this time the mask is anti-fogging one - fogged up cannot see at all - plus our red vests showed more clearly then blue lor. Blue hardly can see one pun :\

Thursday, April 12, 2012

FYP VIVA presentation

Finally the time is here.

I've known that I've gotten a lot of non-results from my FYP and now, I've realised I've did it wrong all along! @.@

In my opinion, negative control is an empty agar without inoculum to check for contaminants, but now the bomb here is that I am wrong - it is supposed to be std bact that was inoculated that will definitely show negative results. Gosh! what a BOMB @.@

Next leh, I've realised I forgot to do 'negative controls' for some of the tests :|

And some of the already existing problems, like:

- having only ODs for the tolerance tests

- I'm up against the toughest microbio lecturers in UTAR :S


You know, I am so proud of my results, of my work but then comes the interpretation part, then I realised... Wow, I did a lot of work with wide loopholes that I didn't notice at first and, like that one with the neg ctrls, perhaps not even now! This sucks... if I get a bad grade because of this.

Some how I'm stuck with this curse of having a huge mega bomb at the end of every primary school, high school or now, uni. Should I just go and face the music? (embarrass myself?) It's not exactly my fault either... I didn't get good guidance and I had trouble coping - but I can't blame my supervisor for anything and, not to mention, my friends also did better than me even with her supervisor not guiding as much.

I hate this~ I wish I could have just done it better. Maybe I should be more reckless and get myself killed or something :( (*emo-ing*) Sigh~ I'll just do as much as I can and well, get ready a thicker face skin and just do it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Although am sad and disappointed, it's all my own fault so... well, I shall muster up more effort and convince myself that there are still second and even third chances. I must not mess up this time - I WILL do it. 'Nuff said

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Last month of my degree life

Yes, it's April 2012 and it's the last month I'll be here at UTAR Kampar~

Mixed feelings indeed - but I'm already more sad than happy that I'm graduating soon.

Being with these bunch of crazy, adorable friends for 4 years - relying on each other, playing with them, joke around with them, enjoy fun moments with them, photo shoots etc~ well, it's suffice to say I will miss them dreadfully and the time we had together. How I hope time could just stand still for a moment more, or that I can go back in time to re-experience all these once again. I can't and I will never get to do so. I'll make do with what little time I have left - and spend them with my BFF friends as much as I can =)

Life moves on and it waits for no one - I must move on too. But that doesn't mean I cant bring my memories with me and my friends along with it :) I'll make sure I don't experience the loss of friendship with my secondary school friends in this case... we must keep in touch and stay in touch. Fb will help I guess but I'll put in the effort to do so.

Together we can face whatever challenges ahead that life has to offer!

**Despite the self-pitying post I posted 2 months' ago, I love my friends and I would like them to know that. I have always appreciated them no matter how I may seem to them externally - I may not be the sort of person to show my feelings openly in public but I am trying hard to let them know that I less than 3 them xP well, I think they got the drift anyway :) - the LL and LZ group - Kai Wen, Yin Huan, Kit Yin, Hann Lum, Ming Jack, Kin Tat (added my foundation buddies, Poh Zen, Chia Woon, Wei Yin ^^) #FF