Thursday, April 12, 2012

FYP VIVA presentation

Finally the time is here.

I've known that I've gotten a lot of non-results from my FYP and now, I've realised I've did it wrong all along! @.@

In my opinion, negative control is an empty agar without inoculum to check for contaminants, but now the bomb here is that I am wrong - it is supposed to be std bact that was inoculated that will definitely show negative results. Gosh! what a BOMB @.@

Next leh, I've realised I forgot to do 'negative controls' for some of the tests :|

And some of the already existing problems, like:

- having only ODs for the tolerance tests

- I'm up against the toughest microbio lecturers in UTAR :S


You know, I am so proud of my results, of my work but then comes the interpretation part, then I realised... Wow, I did a lot of work with wide loopholes that I didn't notice at first and, like that one with the neg ctrls, perhaps not even now! This sucks... if I get a bad grade because of this.

Some how I'm stuck with this curse of having a huge mega bomb at the end of every primary school, high school or now, uni. Should I just go and face the music? (embarrass myself?) It's not exactly my fault either... I didn't get good guidance and I had trouble coping - but I can't blame my supervisor for anything and, not to mention, my friends also did better than me even with her supervisor not guiding as much.

I hate this~ I wish I could have just done it better. Maybe I should be more reckless and get myself killed or something :( (*emo-ing*) Sigh~ I'll just do as much as I can and well, get ready a thicker face skin and just do it.

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