Thursday, August 9, 2012

Skills always win in the end =)

Had just had a very victorious moment in WSG ^^

Well, to cut it short, an ally hunter had the flag and was heading towards their base. We entered the tunnel entrance at the same time and there were no one else. I blinked and gained a headstart but he had his aspect of the cheetah on and was gaining on me. I reached their flag and grabbed it while he was inches away from capping. Frost nova to prevent him from chasing after me and blinked to freedom.

But, a warrior chased after me. I had to twist around so he couldn't get a clear charge at me, but as the path straighten out. I got charged - luckily my blink's off its CD and I blinked, careful enough to apply slow on him. This repeated several times - he charging and trying to hamstring me; I'm slowing him down with whatever arsenal of spells that I have - cone of cold, slow, presence of mind+polymorph and frost nova - and saving my blink and trinket for his charges and hamstring stuns. I made it into the horde tunnel entrance when my teammates spotted me and helped me by charging that warrior - I'm off and FREE! haha! With the flag, I considered heading upwards to the top but then it's the first place that I'd look if I'm ally, so I changed direction and headed towards the secret hideout that only I (and perhaps a few allies) know of - behind the giant round saw right behind the horde graveyard.

The perfect hideout and I was lucky that I reached it in time. As a horde priest who had just entered the flag room was attacked by an enemy hunter. He made it into the graveyard whereby the other respawned hordies helped him took care of the hunter. Then, I waited as the rest of my teammates search for the flag bearer to return our flag.

After like 5 mins, they finally killed the flag carrier and I quickly head towards the flag room. Capped the flag mere seconds away from the worgen druid who had entered the flag room to kill me and prevent me from capping. Frost nova (again) + slow, then start my arcane blast spam. He tried to run but by then, my teammates had entered the flag room and make quick work of the druid and his hunter friend who is shooting at us from the ledge in the flag room.

They all went to get the last flag and I stayed behind to protect our flag.

In the end, we won!!!! =)

P/S: oh yeah, prior to this, I had quite a good streak killing allies (a very persistent mage, a pally and a warrior) with a frost mage in AB. He invited me to his arena team - saying that I have skills :D I guess I'm pretty good afterall!! haha, but now I'll have to respec my arcane talents for full pvp - I'm using partial pvp talents as of current - and get full pvp gear :P

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