Tuesday, September 4, 2012

PvP - A glorious day!

Seriously, are hunters THAT OP? LOL... even without bloodthirsty gear - okay okay I had one :P - the bracers - uhm... FULL bloodthirsty gear, my hunter's topping the kills and damage done charts lol... the best part is... I had NO death! And, in one of the bgs, we (Horde side) didn't even had healers.

I know I have NO skills coz I just spam the highest damage shots - arcane shot and chimera shot - with silencing shot, concussive shot and widow venom when necessary and ofc use the scatter shot+disengage combo to get out of stuns and deterrance specially for arcane mages and ele shammies (and some times other hunters). Feign death when necessary as well :) Pity I can't use traps at all - that stupid fps lag that traps are causing. Oh and when mowing down peeps - berserking (troll racial ftw!)+rapid fire+steady shot/aimed shot spam lol ... - cobra shot's doing almost the same dmg as steady but steady returns focus so yeah... more focus = more arcane shot spam later xD With my spider's talents - web and roar of recovery ftw!! I'm practically unstoppable when 1 on 1~ sometimes 3 on 1 and I still killed all of them... lol!

Anyway, yeah :) topped the charts for EoTs, Sota, AB ^^

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