Friday, November 2, 2012

A letter of apology


            Saying ‘sorry’ and admitting one’s faults are two of the hardest things to do even though it has only five letters in the word ‘sorry’ but that is the main reason that we, the young ‘ladies’ in the class 5S1, is trying very hard to do. Please listen to what we have to say. For not attending the special assembly yesterday, we admit - it is wrong. We are sorry. It is totally wrong of us to let the whole school’s female population (including the three female discipline teachers, namely, Miss Teh, Madam Judy Ooi and Madam Choy) to wait for us, even though we did not actually knew it at first until Miss Teh told us. We are sorry.
We knew - it is not respectful of us to allow teachers to wait for us. And, so, we would like to sincerely apologise with all our hearts that we did not meant it. We do respect every teacher in this school for their willingness to teach, to impart their vast knowledge to the younger, ignorant generation even though we might not seem so. We did not realise, at first, that our actions are actually disrespectfulness. We are sorry.
Everybody will make mistakes sometime in their lives. Humans are not perfect. We knew what our mistake is and we will make sure that this will be the last, and we really mean last, mistake that we will be making during our time, our life in our beloved second home - SMJK Chung Hwa Confucian. Please, please allow us to leave this home with our cherished happy memories instead of sad ones. We are sorry.
From the deepest recesses of our very souls, we truly would like to seek forgiveness from you all - the whole school - as we might have caused other inconveniences to other people that we, ourselves, might not realise. We are sorry.
We are indeed wrong in this case this time but we really, really understand and know what we had done is very wrong. For all our contributions to our school throughout our secondary years, we knew it is not enough to cover this major mistake  - it will never be enough but we do know we are wrong, there’s no excuse for that, and we would like to apologise again, without pretence, to the whole school - all the teachers and students. We are sorry.
We had learnt a very valuable lesson from this nerve-wrecking experience. We will never, ever repeat this mistake again and all we hope now is your forgiveness. It is this forgiveness that will soothe our troubled souls. Please pardon us. We are sorry.
As Steven Covey had said in his best seller, ‘One kind word can warm three winter months’. In our case, it is the ‘I forgive you. I’ll give you all a second chance.’ that will keep us together for the years to come. It is these words that will let us remember the terrible mistake that we had made when we are in Form 5 and that will make us remember not to repeat that mistake ever again. We are truly sorry.
Please. Please just give us a second chance, a second shot to redeem ourselves and our class’s remaining pride. We are sure that this second chance will make all the difference in our lives. This is the important turning point of each of our lives and we really wish that we will be able to obtain forgiveness and the second chance. Our future lies in your hands.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

"This was the letter that I wrote on behalf of my class to apologize. Our future is on the line here and I had to make this sound good. But now, I read it again and I think it sounds cheesy lol~" S.Y.

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