Friday, November 2, 2012

Song Review: 'Try’ by Hayden Panettiere

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Song review

            The song lyric ‘Try’ by Hayden Panettiere is truly motivational, especially when the reader has a dream that he or she would like to achieve in this life. To quote Victor Hugo, ‘There is nothing like a dream to create the future’, this song mainly revolves around your dreams and ways to make your dream into reality, into your future.

            This song is actually for everybody and not only aspiring teenagers or young adults. The song insists that every person has to try to achieve their own dreams, may it be their dream job or car, and not let it remain as one of their cherished desire. You will never know until you have tried, would you? Dreams and hopes always tend to be nearer to you than you think. You may say, ‘It’s just impossible’, but remember that is only in your head - be the master of your mind - nothing can hold you back if you really set your mind on something - except, maybe, yourself. As Steven Covey had said, ‘We have met the enemy and he is us.’

People should, too, believe in themselves and do not be afraid to dream. By fearing to attempt, to dream, we often lose the good we might win if we ‘try’ and believe in our own abilities. From Robert Stevenson’s famous poem, The Road Less Travelled, he wrote that ‘Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference’.  What is the matter if the path you chose is covered in thickets, the main thing is that you must be willing to cut through all of that to get a glimpse of your ‘El Dorado’. ‘Take control and make the future what you want it to be’.

Through this song, the singer also implores people not to give up their dreams too easily because of challenges, such as fear, doubts and failure, which they will meet when they are chasing after their dream. If they really failed, ‘it’s not the end’, you will have to get back up on your feet and start again. Quoting Steven Covey, ‘Winning is nothing more than rising each time you fall’. Do not cage yourself in your endless prison of failure - break away, fly free. As Robert Collier had said, ‘All of us have failure and success. The man who persists through the failure - who keeps right on going - is the man who is there when the success comes - and is ready to receive it.’

            In a nutshell, I think that this song is very well written for the younger generations who still have their whole stretch of life in front of them and it is them who really need to hear and understand this song.

            Another wonderful plus point of this song is the way it is presented to the listeners and that I have only the singer, Hayden Panettiere, to thank. From having a hint of sadness in her voice in the beginning of the song to her fantastic and energetic chorus, she is trying to evoke the feeling of I-can-really-do-anything throughout this song. (However, I do think that different people would have a different interpretation of her singing, so I would like to stress that all of these is seen from my point of view.) I do think that Hayden, as a teen star, understands what it is like to be a teenager hoping to become a singer only to face criticism from all sides. In my opinion, it is this experience of hers that had helped her, by imparting her feelings at that important moment of her life, to make this song such a masterpiece of its kind.

            Let me tell you a little bit about my ‘encounter’ with this song. It was a Sunday evening when my father called my brother and I to watch a movie - Bridge to Terabithia, together, so we could spend some family quality time. Little did I know that that day is the turning point of my teenage life. After an absolutely touching movie, I was not very much stunned to hear some awesome soundtracks that were played during the credits. (For a very good movie, there must be at least one great soundtrack, you know.) One particular soundtrack, ‘Try’, had totally caught me in its mesmerising grasp. Its tune is attractive and, not to mention, Hayden’s beautiful voice that has enhanced the pleasantness of the song. The ‘trap’ was set - I have got to get that song and, of course, its lyrics.

            Now, I am prompted by this song to do my best in my coming, not that I am welcoming it, SPM trial examination and the real, one and only SPM examination at November this year. With, hopefully, good results especially in English and the 1119 paper, I may be able to achieve my wildest dream ever since I have read my first ABC book that is to be an author! Dreams are indeed dreams, aren’t they? They always seemed to be so far away, so much further than your fingers could reach.

            Oh, ‘dreams are possible’ all right, Hayden Panettiere certainly believes so as she had managed to become what she aspire to be when she was a few years younger and now she hopes to share this with other people facing the same problems as she did a few years ago. I do think that this song has helped me to mentally prepare myself for the long gruelling studying hours ahead and the extreme stress that I will certainly face and, now, I will want to share this song lyric to you instead. This song is really worthwhile to have your attention and, who knows, it may help you as much as it had helped me!

By Toh Saw Yi             5S1

 ‘What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.’

The PowerPoint Slides

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