Thursday, January 24, 2013

To another dear friend :)

To: Kai Wen ^^

We've been to the same high school for years and I have known you as the most talkative (in a good way ;)) girl in class :D We hung out before with Lydia, Sue Theng and Tsu Min but I've not really known you. However, I'm extremely surprised and glad to find you (a familiar face) when I decided to study in UTAR. We even chose the same course! :D

I remember the time when we were neighbours. Remember we went out with your housemates to Kampar Old Town for the very first time via bicycle? We got sunburned at the end of the day but it was fun :)

The times we cycled together to university, no matter rain or shine. You even became my guide in the rain as my glasses tend to fog up and I can hardly see the road clearly.

We had the most awesome time chatting over dinner (Golden sand!! or Wings xD), lunch, breakfast (MM roti canai, morning market, nasi lemak etc :)), on the bus (when going home :P) or when shopping.

The fun time we had cooking stuff with our friends... :) Or that time we spent by the lake, just singing and chatting our time away. Do you remember those night trips to buy waffle, Ramli burger or other snacks; or eat from that roadside steamboat stall; or hunting for pretty accessories all over Kampar new town; or just shopping at that mini grocery store... The time we jogged and went to the playground in Westlake garden.

And not to mention, at the karaoke, when we sang a duet or a song, we were so cool! Or that time when you managed to get me to sing on stage in Meetoto :D

I'll miss those days; those moments greatly. I also appreciate the effort you have taken in order to show me the wonders of life and stop being that 'katak in bawah tempurung' :P I have experienced so much, enjoyed life so much and learned so much - things that I would never have known if it wasn't for you and our group of cool friends =) For that and many more gestures of friendship that you’ve shared, I just want to say that I really can never thank you enough. 

And on this special day, I just wanted you to know that you have been a great friend to me... and I hope I managed to fulfill my role as your friend by being there for you throughout all these years. I am extremely proud to call you one of my 4 best-est friends, perhaps the best-est of the best-est (is there even such a word? :P). No matter what happens in the future, I hope you'll know that you and the rest of our LL group will have a special place in my heart and mind always. May our friendship last forever~! =)

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