Monday, March 11, 2013

Google Chrome errors and how to fix them + tips to improve speed

Okay I'm compiling some common errors of google chrome and their fixes so I don't have to keep searching for them again lol. P/S: I'm using '----' to represent the arrow alright? Blogger kept changing my arrows into code lol.

1. Missing Plug-in error

All you need to go is go to chromes task manager ... (select the tool on the right hand side by URL bar) OR click SHIFT + ESC to bring it up

search for the "Plug-in: Shockwave Flash" and click END process

close out the task manager and refresh the URL/youtube/page link u were on and it should play fine.


2. Tabs closing when you're left clicking them

It's a mouse problem - your wheel button got stuck. You just need to click the wheel button once to inactivate it. This is because Chrome has this setting whereby it'll close any tab if you click it using the wheel button.



1. If your computer is running slower than usual after you've closed Chrome, it might mean that Chrome's background apps are still using up memory. Go to 'wrench' menu ---- settings ---- advanced settings (at the very bottom of the settings page) ---- scroll down to the very bottom, you should see a 'background apps' section ---- uncheck 'Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed'


---- ALSO, if you're wondering why chrome.exe appears so many times in Task manager even though you have only 1 tab open in Chrome --- when you load Chrome it also loads any plugins, extensions and apps from Google. So, for faster, non-laggy browsing, disable any additional apps (Google translator/ dictionary etc).

ALTERNATIVE METHOD: In order to close Google Chrome completely when background apps are running, select Exit from the Chrome menu (Quit on a Mac). OR, you can uninstall the apps.


2. To check what background processes are running and taking up excessive computer memory

Go to 'wrench' menu ---- Tools ---- task manager

*** also, you can manually force close any apps/extensions/plug-ins from there

3. Google chrome's Incognito mode

If you want to browse without leaving any browser history behind, just press these keys (simultaneously) Ctrl+Shift+N. It'll open a new G Chrome window which is set at incognito mode. You'll never need to manually delete certain history entries that you (with a good reason I believe :P) don't want anyone who uses that computer to see. But ofc as mentioned on the first tab of the incognito mode G Chrome....
Going Incognito doesn't affect the behaviour of other people, servers or software. Be wary of:
Websites that collect or share information about you
Internet service providers or employers that track the pages you visit
Malicious software that tracks your keystrokes in exchange for free smilies
Surveillance by secret agents
People standing behind you (for example your boss :P)
So, those people who go to those 'shady' websites can rejoice... lol~ :P

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