Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fucking logic

You bought a pair of crocs shoes for my brother but then he doesn't want to wear it. Then you forced me to wear it. Of fucking course it wasn't a fit - he wears a size 11 and I wear a size 8!!! See the fucking difference? And now you're blaming me for not wearing his fucking shoes and say I'm wasting your fucking money. WTH... what kind of logic is that? I didn't even get to wear my OWN fucking size 8 crocs shoes and I had to wear an over-sized pair of shoes for fucking weeks and I had, a few times, nearly tripped over my fucking feet. Who is to blame here, I fucking wonder? It's obvious isn't it? Then stop yelling at me for something that I had no part of causing and yet I had tried to help you with (seriously, I'm never going to help them 'Not waste' a pair of shoes ever).

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