Monday, June 10, 2013

After Earth movie review

I'm really disappointed... like really. When I watched the trailer, I had so much hope for it, plus since it's a sci-fi movie (one of my fav movie genre), I expected it be great.

Well, the acting sucks - it is plain awkward. I don't know how hard it must be to act a person with no fear but the feeling it left me is that the General has no feelings at all - except for the occasional tight-lipped smile that looked forced. Lol. In fact, I think the 'mother' in this movie did better than both the Smiths IMHO. Jaden did okay but he still has plenty of room to improve.

The storyline sucks too - the Ursa is transported for ghost training then crash landed on Old Earth. That doesn't seem like a very good storyline to me. Disappointing. Though, I would give some points for the ending, where the Ursa miraculously stepped over Jaden without stepping on him as he became a 'ghost' (someone who has no fear and who effectively becomes invisible to the Ursa). That part's pretty nice although I'd prefer a more impact-ful music during that scene - the music that was used there is just 'meh' standard.

Well, to the good side, the graphics of Old Earth is great and I like the concept of creatures evolving to become human hunters (though, I don't think it's logical.... coz well, humans have not inhabited that planet for 'eons' now).

Overall, at best, I'd give it a B. Even with Will Smith in the movie, this is to me a B-grade movie (I'm very sure you'd argue that the actual 'B-grade movies' out there are even worse but well, to me, those 'B-grade movies' out there are, to me, C/even D-grade lol.... I have high standards haha).

If you're planning to go to the cinemas for this movie, I'd recommend you not to. Just wait for the download. It's not worth it. Better save up your cash for World War Z.... that should be a great movie (plus I've read the book and it's Awesome with a capital 'A' :)) and got Brad Pitt in it some more! Woots! :D

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