Monday, June 3, 2013

Of Orcs and Men game review

To make this short, it's not exactly unique except for the fact that the hero in this game is an orc. The storyline is very much like a typical, albeit in simpler form, Dragonage sort. The game play is similar as well. The game doesn't expand much on the 'trading' part in the game - vendors offer very little (like only 2 items for the hero and 2 more for the sidekick) choices and instead of using money/currency, they choose to introduce 'trade points'.

The storyline on the other hand are pretty much predictable - I always knew Barimen is going to turn on them. The combat mechanics are okay and the game is still quite a challenge despite being able to assassinate a certain number of npcs before you engage into a fight (especially those 'opps' moments where you accidentally caught the attention of the troops)

It's also a challenge because well, you don't have the option of using potions during combat... hmm scratch that, there are NO potions in the game at all. Ah, the few skills to replenish health is pretty useful though. And then, there's a specialisation part where you have to choose, for Arkail, to be a berserker or a master and for Styx, to be a shadow goblin or a *** (I forgotten the name already, gah :P) 

Anyways, it's still a good RPG to play while you're waiting on the next expansion of Bioshock or Borderlands or etc (lol). 

P/S: Styx is a pretty funny goblin :P I like his dialogues.

P/P/S: From the reviews that I've read on my next game - Garshasp, I'm starting to think that this game (Of orcs and men) are way better than Garshasp lol.

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