Wednesday, August 21, 2013

R.I.P.D movie review

I've been putting this off for almost 2 weeks (since it was released and I went to watch it lol). Anyways, here's the review! Enjoy! 

#WARNING: Plenty of spoilers btw, unless you've already watched the trailer then well, nvm then.

First off, I would say that it's hilarious, though if you have watched the trailer, you can already anticipate the most of the hilarious parts in the movie. I've even watched the 'The Making of' part of this movie and I gotta say, at the beginning, the chaos in the warehouse is marvelously constructed. Only the fire is digitally added while the rest of the stuff - including the actors/actresses - are all suspended in mid air using wires. 

I particularly liked that part where Ryan's character was introduced to the audience as the old chinese guy. :P Oh and that part where the harpoon pierced right into the butt of the annoying fat 'ghost-undead'. Heheh. 

The villain is excellently played IMHO. You will get that feeling like you wanna wring his neck or something. The feeling that a fellow 'friend' betraying you is like one of the worst feeling ever.

All in all, I highly recommend you all to watch this movie if a.) you like comedy and b.) you like action movies. It's a brilliant mixture of both and ofc kudos to the excellent acting for both the good and evil side. 

'I guess this isn't really much of a review, but really, you should go have a look at the trailer at YouTube at least.' S.Y.

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