Saturday, August 31, 2013

Thoughts on Miley's VMA performance

I'm very sure you've probably heard all about the god-awful performance she did at the VMAs. I was pretty much like - okay she's just a massive attention w**** and I miss the times when she was younger - and then  I got over it. But now that I've seen her response on the so-called 'hate' that she received for her VMA performance I could help but wanting to get this out from my chest.

Here's a quote from the infamous Miley,
"I'm a totally different person to who I was when I was 16 or 18... I wanted to let people see that side of me, just not the glammed up beauty shot girl as that's just not me. Haters are gonna hate, but the haters are also gonna click on your YouTube video to watch it so I really don't care. You can help me break records, even if you were just watching to hate on me. I break records, so I won!" - Miley Cyrus

Considering that I'm pretty open minded (as compared to other Msians I suppose lol), ofc she's a totally different person - she has been drawn so deep into the muck of Hollywood that she can no longer find the real her anymore. I mean, seriously, I love every one of your movies when critics said that you have no acting talent whatsoever. Plus, from what you've just been quoted saying, it just shows you as the attention maniac that you've become. I have no idea whatsoever how hard it is to grow up in the spotlight, but I had believed that you would be better than, for example, Lindsey Lohan. I guess I believed wrong.

You can be whoever you want to be in this life, Miley. It's your life after all, but I believed that how you act  (not as in 'acting', you know) reflects who you really are. You're just an attention monger - who just aims to keep herself in the spotlight while she's ruining her life (and perhaps others in the process), who just wants to 'break records' and not be the person who your future children could look up to, who just thinks of how 'winning' in terms of bad attention and not really winning in life. I mean really, if you crave attention so much, why not do something good? Something that is closer to your heart? And not just doing sexual dance moves on married guys or to the audience? You're not a slut (I hope), but you're acting like one.

Okay, I guess that's enough ranting. Though I could dig up a couple of quotes that you've said that supports my thoughts in this article, but meh, I think I wouldn't need to. You'll just prove me right, time and time again.  Just a little something before I go, being who you are is one thing - you may crave attention and you cannot help it, but why oh why you have to go do stupid (it's not even 'crazy' mind you...) stuff? I guess you just wanted the easy way out eh?

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