Sunday, September 15, 2013

5 reasons to join a startup after graduating

I rather like the first part of his article,
1. Passion is the ultimate competitive advantage. When I was an intern on Wall Street, I took a look around the room of my peers and thought, “What is my competitive advantage here? Everyone is smart and works hard, right?” What I quickly found was that those who excel in that job are passionate about financial markets. I thought finance was interesting, but didn’t have the same level of enthusiasm and curiosity about it as my peers did. I didn’t have a competitive advantage in the Wall Street world. However, I did have a passion for technology and for startups. If I could work for a startup, I could use this to my advantage.

A nice way to tell if you have a passion for what you are working on is to ask this: do your weekends look a lot like your weekdays? When you get home from work, do you find yourself wanting more? Do your ears perk up whenever someone talks about a certain subject? Do you feel compelled to ask questions and really listen to the answers? That’s passion, and it fuels a competitive advantage that can’t be faked. It’s what drives you to work when you don’t have to, to think about new solutions to old problems when everyone else is spending the weekend flipping the “work” switch off.
This got me thinking, I mean like, yeah I am interested by science and what science has to offer and its potential, but am I really PASSIONATE about it? Honestly... no.

Seriously though, I still don't know what I'm actually passionate about. I mean yea, I do like writing... am I passionate about it? Perhaps, but I cannot give a definite answer since I've yet to make it into a job, in order to see the effect - I've always seen it as a hobby.

I love reading too, so perhaps I can be an editor? I often correct stuff for people (usually friends though). Hmm...

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