Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to earn quick in-game money in Rift

No, I'm not like those in-game money sellers... instead of giving you the 'fish', I'll be teaching you how to fish lol :P Plus, note that I said 'earn in-game money' and not 'buy in-game money' ;)

So, my advice is, for your first character, make sure you take at least 2 gathering professions (that helps with your 1 crafting profession) and make sure you level your fishing! Fishing is very tedious and boring, to me anyway, but via fishing, you can get artifact items as well as fishes to sell - and now with the new patch, you can even sell the dimension items you fished up. Looking at the current Rift Market trend at my server (the supposedly Aus one), it's best if you get foraging (ridiculous priced low and high level lumber/timber and plants - you can earn a lot here) and butchering (for some of the rarer and highly in demand bone-based items - like collagen struts; plus, it's easier, since you needed to kill these monsters anyway, might as well get extra loot from them - and you can get to skin other people's mob carcasses as well, as long as they don't need the carcasses, mind you. Don't steal!)

Well, there's another shortcut method to getting fast money - reselling. But in order to do this, you'll need AH access and the ability to stalk the AH for long hours (so you probably won't be able to level much either, so better get that character up to level 60 before you start reselling.). Buy super cheap items or bid on super cheap prices, then resell them at original/over-inflated prices (lol... it's up to you anyway).

It's not exactly a risk-free enterprise lol... but it works most of the time and you'll need plenty of storage space (For me, I'll create an alt and use that alt to create a bank guild - the first 2 tabs are pretty cheap :), but then you can buy some REX to increase your main seller's bag slots [and then fill them with empyrean bags]), dedicate lots of time to stalk the AH and get ready to have your mailbox overrun with sales or expired AH items.

Update! It's actually more cost effective for you to use the REX to buy a character extension slot rather than extending your bag slots (the bank slot extension is the most NOT COST EFFECTIVE choice of them all, honestly speaking.)

But you'll need to invest on some more empyrean bags and bank slots for the alt. Not to mention, with this new alt, you can make a new guild and store more stuff there. Just a thought ;) All these can be done with sufficient amount of in-game currency :)

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