Monday, September 23, 2013


I wish I could put a part of the comic up here that is meaningful to me but I'm afraid of being sued lol, so here it is... THE LINK! :D

This is the first time I learn of the word 'Introspective' and I realised that in the 4 boxes of comic that describes introspective - I have EVERY ONE OF THEM. Seriously... (though why with all the caps lol :P). Anyway, lemme summarise it for ya.

Introspective - 
  • Thinks too much sometimes about everything in general. 
  • Keeps reminding one's self of every horrendous (embarrassing, awkward etc) event that ever happened in his/her life
  • Worry over stuff that he/she has totally no control over
  • Discouraging one's self by convincing self that every single thing that he/she does, someone else is doing a better version of it... so why bother? lol
  • Binge-ing on food ... ... hurrah! lol
Hmm, maybe I should start running again - but usually when I go for a run and when I enter that very tired stage, my mind tend to go blank/blurry (although I'm actually still seeing where I put my foot in real life). I just stop thinking of other problems - just thinking of how much further I can go~

oh and btw, almost all of his comics are hilarious... just sayin' ;) Enjoy!

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