Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Addictiveness of Playing the AH (in Rift) - Part II + Dimension Building!

I'm on a roll here... lol.

So, Despite being really committed to hitting the 5k plat mark (that I set for myself), I kept finding myself buying stuff in the end lol. It has been around 2 months since I've started my first character on Rift and lookie now... I have 2 accounts (F2P ones) with 2 characters each; 1 level 60, 1 level 50, 1 level 27 and another is just for storage lol; I have a bank guild with 3 tabs open; my main has an addition of 2 bag slots; all my characters are using empyrean bags (All bought at the low price of around 40plat... lol - seeing how the market is faring, I'll bet the price will drop even more within this week); my mailbox is maxed out, and I have SOOOOOOOOOO many artifacts until I don't know where to store them. Plus, I'll bet if I haven't spent any of my earned in-game money, I'll probably be sitting on around 15k plat right now.

Although I know fishing is very lucrative (as aforementioned in my previous Rift-related post), I'm just too lazy to sit over a stupid pond to keep fishing until my eyes bleed... it's just too boring - I'd rather go do carnage quests and hunt for artifacts lol. Dealing in artifacts is getting really really competitive nowadays... too many people are fishing lol. Anyway, I always have a backup niche or two where I can still earn a steady amount of money on the AH - that I've decided not to reveal to you all... lol. Okay, a hint... selling lumber - linden and elm are really profitable and some of the herbs too. Any flowers/ logs that you can sell for more than 1 plat each is extremely profitable IMHO. However, in this case, I'll have to get a bit hardworking and go farm a bit :P

Oh and there's my dimension to take care of lol. I'm still building my second tree house and am planning to link both tree houses via a sky bridge. Then, after decorating my tree houses, I might build a few platforms below the tree houses and a slide for people to 'slide' down to the ground. :) It'll be like a mini, virtual theme park but with tree houses lol :P and weird boats bobbing around on land... (I refuse to spend any of my plats to buy a new dimension which actually has water in it). haha.

BEFORE: The time when my dimension is less cluttered :P
NOW: Plenty of nicks and knacks + statues that I've managed to buy, cheaply, from the AH
My first attempt at tree house building - Am not very familiar with dimension building btw :P

The view from my bed at my first tree house

The view of my second and more barren tree house - but now, I actually have plenty of bearskin fur there. 

The view of my first tree house from my second tree house

The view of both of my tree houses from the ground - Am still trying to figure out a way to link both tree houses together without making it look like it's floating in mid-air lol :P

Okies, time for bed. Rift's down for maintenance just now, hence my 'apparent free time' (but actually I'm a very busy person in-game lol... so much to do, so little gaming time hehe). Oh well, tomorrow's another day - I'll bet I can get a few more sales tomorrow despite the long downtime :)

Check out my other Rift-related posts:

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