Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Caine's Arcade

A very inspiring video for young entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs-to-be  or well, any and everyone lol.

Creativity and imagination are two very important things that will set you apart from the other people in this world as no two people will have the same creativity and imagination ;)

I would highly recommend parents to show this video to their kids as well :) 

There's also a movement being done in his name - The Cardboard Challenge. Go and see how you or your school can participate.

These video reminded me of the time when I was young.... When I was young, I designed a card game with my brother with all the rules and super power cards and trade them (with my brother again lol :P). I've always seen it as a private sibling game and something that I be embarrassed to share with my friends. We drew the cards (the monsters and heros are drawn by my bro who is the better artist, I drew mostly the power cards :P) ourselves and if I'm not mistaken, we had a total of 100+ cards by the time we gradually outgrew the game - I believe I still kept my stack of cards as well as the 'neutral cards' (that can be earned or bought using points that you'll get once you participated in a game - no matter if you won or lost).

We even had pokemon cards and drawings that sigh, are just awesome :P

There was a time where I went to my friend's house and she introduced me to the game, Uno. I loved it so much that I have used that short period of time to memorise each card (well, it's not really hard to remember although considering that I've never played such game before) and I drew every single card on drawing paper and cut them into proper size. My dad even made a wooden box for us to keep the cards in. We made up some of the rules of the game - coz I kind of forgotten some rules so we filled in the gaps lol. That stack of Uno cards lasted us for years during the long and boring trip to Kelantan. I think it's still around as well - unless my dad threw them away or if they turned yellow due to age.

I played Mahjong with my friends at a Chinese New Year party at a friend's house and I had that intention to make my own mahjong blocks using Styrofoam (though I really cannot stand the squeaky noise that Styrofoam gives off when you accidentally rubbed them). In the end, I can't figure out how to get Styrofoam and was going to use tightly folded cardboard pieces, taped together to make the Mahjong pieces. Unfortunately, I'm sad to say, by then, I have kind of forgotten how to label the pieces or even the rules of the game - Mahjong is definitely a harder game to memorise as compared to Uno lol...

After university, I had collected plenty of what my parents would call as 'junk'(yes, I like to collect parts of anything - for example, used pen cases, used sparklers, wires, etc) and had planned to make some art out of them - like a miniature model house or a snow globe. Honestly though, whenever I saw a 3D model of something, I would spend some time looking all over it to figure out how I can build something similar using the 'junk' that I've collected over the years. I would try to make those stuff myself based on what I see, what I want to build and my imagination :) Unfortunately, again, I'm caught up in 'online life' and spending a lot of time gaming that I never started on the house model... though I had made several wire art using the thick and very not malleable wire from the sparklers lol.... (I didn't have pliers so I had to use my fingers... very painful indeed!)

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