Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Made, Saved, Achieved - Resume Writing

I've just read about this new concept to resume writing. It should help you when you want to start writing that resume. I've realised that despite choosing only the selected few accomplishments to put into my resume, I'm still listing stuff and not actually promoting myself - I really need to rewrite my 'personal characteristics' part. No wonder I hardly get any interviews...

The Microsoft Jobs Blog had an interesting entry that I thought was worth sharing for those who are always looking for ways to improve their resumes.

The point of the resume is to communicate exactly what the job seeker has to offer the employer in a way that really speaks to the employer. Highlighting accomplishments is one great way to appeal to an employer.

Ryan at Microsoft introduced a concept he calls: “Made, Saved and Achieved” (MSA). The point is to demonstrate how you:

• Made the company (money, sales, etc.)
• Saved the company (money, time, etc.)
• Achieved personally (awards, recognition, etc.)

Review your resume...Are you just listing "stuff" you did? Or, are you incorporating specifics that entice an employer to want to know more about you?

Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/made-saved-achieved-a-way-to-help-you-evaluate-your-resume

Almost every resume I see reads like a laundry list of “stuff” the person has done at work. The problem is that everyone applying for the job you seek probably has a similar list of “stuff.” What makes you stand out? Why are you special – why do YOU deserve to win an interview and the job?

It certainly isn’t because you were “responsible for” something or that you were “recruited to” do something. No one really wants to see a list of what your “duties included.” A prospective employer wants to know what you’ve accomplished. What impact have you had on past employers? What obstacles did you overcome to achieve a positive result in the past?

Don’t forget — your job is to market yourself. The resume needs to make a reader visualize you doing the job.

Quintessential Careers compiled a comprehensive list of accomplishments employers seek.

Describe how you:
  • Make money
  • Save money
  • Save time
  • Make work easier
  • Solve a specific problem
  • Help the company become more competitive
  • Build relationships
  • Expand the business
  • Attract new customers
  • Retain existing customers

I suggest you answer the following questions:
  • What problems did you solve?
  • How did you improve your organization?
  • What innovative ideas did you introduce (and what were the positive results)?
  • How did you make a difference?

When you re-focus your resume spotlight to shine on what you have to offer instead of just listing what you’ve done, you will be much more marketable.

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