Sunday, October 13, 2013

Stories when I was young: Nightmare

This is something new that I've made. Some times, my parents would tell me stories about what I've done that they remembered from way back - that I had no memory of lol. So, yeah, I thought I could write them down so I can remember them even when I'm old (or as long as blogger is around lol).

So here goes.... it's not much of a story lol.

The young me (don't know what age also... lol) was sleeping after a very tiring day of playing. The night was quiet and windy - perfect for sleeping.

However, suddenly, the sounds of a girl bawling her eyes out rang throughout the house. My parents were rudely awaken from their deep slumber and rushed to my room... on the double. 

When they arrived, the door to our shared (my brother and I) room was already opened - we have this habit of not closing the doors, just in case of emergencies - and they looked in. They saw my brother sitting awake on his bed, clutching his Snoopy soft toy while rubbing the sleepiness away from his eyes (my bed is at the left side of the room while my brother's bed is right in front of the door). 

Turning their heads to the left, they saw me sitting straight up on my bed, crying hysterically while pointing, with a shaky finger, at something in front of me.... something that only I can see. 

They turned the lights on and quickly went to comfort me. With that, I returned to sleep in my mum's embrace and I've forgotten all about this incident... even until my mum told me this story last Friday, I still have no recollection of the event.

It's not really surprising for little kids to be able to see 'something' from time to time I suppose, but I'm very curious as to what I've seen that night that had made me so terrified... ...

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