Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Unable to load Facebook on Google Chrome?

Only facebook, other websites are accessible. Facebook is loadable up to the point where you can see the news feed (they are not jumbled up or anything/ looks like it loaded incompletely) but somehow, the loading circle kept on moving and you cannot click on anything on facebook. You can only look at it...

So far, I've not yet found a credible solution. At first, I thought it was because somehow, for one of my other tabs, I've accidentally adjusted the zoom settings. Just reset the zoom settings to default (100%) and everything turns out fine. However, today, it acted up again and no, I've not accidentally zoomed in/out on any of my other tabs. I'm totally at lost as to what to do.

Will post a solution here once I've finally got it running normal again. I suspect it's because of a malware targeting google chrome - I've scanned it through and yep, I've got a hit on a malware (a rootkit to be exact) sitting in my google chrome.... Am getting rid of it ;)

C:\Users\*computer username*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\File System\000\t\00\00000000 (PUP.Optional.InstalleRex)

FYI, I'm using a freeware anti- malware called 'Malwarebytes Anti-Malware'. It works very well and does not bother you insistently with updating it every time you start up the computer. You can choose to only update when you want to use it for scanning, but it may take sometime for the accumulated updates to get downloaded lol :P

Updated! Yup, I believe it is that malware that is messing up my facebook on G Chrome. :P Remember to restart the computer after you've removed it with Anti-Malware in order to properly remove it. So far, I've not experienced that problem for quite awhile now, so I think it's safe to say, the problem is gone! :)

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