Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ideas and drafts - Upcoming blog posts

So, I've just realised that I had plenty of half-written blog posts and ideas lying around in the drafts section and I thought that if I list them here as upcoming content for my blog, I might get more motivated to actually finish writing them lol.

So here goes (in no particular order)! I hope I won't regret this xD

  1. A pictorial guide on how to play mahjong - for noobs :)
  2. Types of of mahjong players and what it tells about their character (very ambitious project but I have some ideas in mind ;) )
  3. What various games taught me (inspired by Jenna Marbles' similarly titled video)
  4. A postgrad's thoughts - what my supervisor said to me
  5. How to add facebook comments system on blogger (Am still trying unfortunately, if I've found a good and simple way to do this, I'll definitely share :) )
  6. When you don't know what you want (a personal post - I had almost everything written out on paper but I'm just too lazy to type them out lol - I'd rather type useless stuff like this xD)
  7. How to know whether you have trypophobia (I haz it so I'll probably be getting plenty of goosebumps  by writing this post... totally not looking forward to this... :P)
  8. My experience as a class monitor (for around 7 years lol)
  9. Guide to driving on the highway... for newbies :)
  10. Wave music - myths and facts (the way I see it)
  11. Science and writing - do they attract or repel? 
  12. Realisation
  13. My first experience in teaching - being a part-time tuition teacher (after my first class which is somewhere in Dec :) )
  14. Plenty of game/movie/songs/videos/albums reviews!
  15. ... and maybe some short horror stories (based on nightmares that I had lol :P)
Okay that's it for now... quite a lot of procrastination I see lol. Gah, time to get busy :)

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