Friday, January 10, 2014

And boy, am I mad! - Part 2

So.... I went and talked to the owner of the tuition centre and lo and behold, she told me that my payment rate per class is actually only RM55 for a whole f-ing month and for 2-hour classes, I'm being paid RM88 per month. That's better than some centres but considering the hours that I've poured into this to prepare for the classes (and I have to teach different level of students in each class LOL so for each class, I may have like 9 books to teach, so need to prepare for 9 books... per class). If I'm absent, the rates dropped by RM5 for the RM55 rate and by RM8 if it's RM88 rate. Then after that, she cut my pay some more by multiplying it by 3 AND THEN dividing it by 4 then add that value to my already diminishing pay........ hence, I only get a f-ing RM 165 for last month. I've lost a total of RM90 for being present for 12 classes out of 16 classes.

Trying to survive on RM165 for January is just ridiculous... my travelling fees are two times that amount. I suppose I could just cycle all the way to Bertam every day - and I can save on toll fees too. Oh and I can just eat all the scraps and leftovers like some beggar every day.... LOL. So much for getting a degree....

Not to mention, even if I'm not absent, I can only earn a maximum of RM290 per month for all the classes plus a small bonus for not being absent... it's still not enough to cover my travelling fees, let alone have enough leftovers for me to buy lunch everyday. 

WTF. I doubt I'll be working there for much longer though. The most I'd say is until end of February... until I can try for another allowance-giving scholarship. Worst case scenario.... even I've worked SO f-ing hard for my good grades, I'll still need to get a study loan to study.... then I might as well stop this postgrad nonsense (wasted talent or not) and get myself a low-income job.... 

Whoever says money doesn't matter is really a super-rich idiot. Money DOES matter... now, I'll be trying to figure out how to earn more for this month... short of selling my body ofc LOL.

Update: So, okay after some more clear thinking, I've narrowed down several things that I can do to counter my financial crisis.... Either I do more tuition - private ones that pay 3-4 times more than what pittiance that I'm currently earning from the tuition centre and/or I'll continue selling my health/blood in  the name of science lol... you know, the clinical trial thingy... yea, those pay very well and you don't exactly need to do anything (except to eat medicines that you don't actually need to eat, be hospitalised for a weekend, and give up plenty of your blood [and have needle mark scars on the nook of your elbows like you're some drug addict LOL, heh, they're true though!]).

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