Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Rage game review

The long-awaited/promised Rage review! I've finished playing this game for almost a month now and I've just finally got this one up on mah blog. Procrastination at one of its finest moments. Lol. 

Awesome game, honest! It's like combining Fallout series with Borderlands series, with superb graphics :) Being a huge fan of both games, Rage is an insta-hit game for me :)

Superb graphics and I'm not even playing this on high res lol. You can see that this is obviously animated (not real), but then the details are exquisite!
It has the elements of Borderlands by having nil, and I repeat, NIL, glitches and bugs, making gameplay as amazing as it gets. It also have very cool vehicle combat and vehicle racing features that makes it uniquely its own despite having elements from both Fallout and Borderlands. 

My first vehicle - a bike! :)
Then you'll get to upgrade to a buggy and a full-armoured car through racing
I like how the game does not have quests that kept asking you to revisit the same location over and over again. The most you'll see the same location (I'm not referring to the zone map btw) for the purpose of doing quests/ jobs is twice. It's not too repetitive enough to make me get bored of playing the same location map. That's a major plus point for me :)

It has some cool contraptions too - like this flying bridge
Gameplay-wise, it's not too hard until you'll say 'fck this, I'll just go play Hello Kitty Wonderland instead' or too easy until you can face roll across the keyboard and still kill everything lol. It's the epitome of 'just exactly right'. :) The boss fight may need some strategy and patience but you can easily get through it soon enough. 

Racing is one of the finer points of the game. It won't be as good as a racing game like Need for Speed since it's not exactly designed so, but it's still great enough to afford a mention in this review. There are various ways to race, as you'll soon find out, in Rage and all of them are tonnes of fun - blasting the racing opponents who is in front of you with rockets? Yes please! :D 

If you find yourself ever short on cash, you can try turning some fast bucks by playing the various mini-games (such as this one) scattered around town.
You even get to craft items (like a remote-controlled, bomb-strapped, toy buggy, a gadget that works like a lockpick [by blasting the door open lol] and sentry guns) that can help you through the game. Though there may be some times where you'll find yourself a bit lost/ confused as to where to go next. Most of the time, you either missed a staircase or a ladder... that's usually the case for me though :P 

Fear factor? Well, it's well-balanced I'd say. I still get surprised by mobs sometimes (mostly mutants lol) but the game doesn't just scare you for nothing lol. There will always be a mob to kill at the end. 

The plot of the game is pretty solid - there aren't any loopholes in the story that I've noticed (too busy blasting the head off mobs lol) and the flow of the plot alongside the game is well-paced. 

There are also a reference in-game that gives the game, Fallout, a nod and a salute - bobblehead collectibles and the Vault boy bobblehead! :) It's pretty cool. Oh having said that it has great graphics, you can take some time off questing and go for a ride in your buggy to marvel at the scenery. There were times I'll stop in the middle of the journey of going to a questing location to gape at the scenery... No joke lol! There also places (non-quest-related but with mobs for you to kill) that you can go if you found them during your many excursions too. :)

So, if you like Fallout and/or Borderlands, you really should give this game a shot. It brings out the best of both games and added a little something-something of its own. I guarantee you'll be satisfied and perhaps wanting for more lol - there are DLCs for this game but as of now, the game devs are no longer releasing anymore DLCs. Now, I'm waiting on Rage 2 :D

Okay now the time for screenshots of beautiful sceneries :P 
Once you emerged from the Ark, you are greeted by this beautiful scene of a post-apocalyptic world
More post-apocalyptic scenery

Hot air balloons :)
The stalactites and stalagmites look like the jaw of a dragon
Brightly illuminated cave
In a cave - I've never appreciated caves' beauty this much.

Even the sewers are beautiful in Rage lol.
The sunset at the ending of Rage's DLC is amazing. I suppose the sunset has a meaning... the game is about to end.

You can buy the game on Amazon here. Trust me, it'll be worth it :)

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