Saturday, January 11, 2014

Random rants - Lab issues

So.... a shtstorm has happened at my lab (and ofc, from my rage-filled previous rants, you can see that I'm not exactly out of my own shtstorm as well lol). Anyway, there is an impending war between my lecturer with his fellow lecturers in the same.. uh... 'department'. 

I'm like a drifter, you know. Even though he's my supervisor, I'm still as neutral as I can get... I suppose. I don't join my fellow same-supervisor lab mates that much, but I don't hang out with other students who are with other lecturers (especially my supervisor's 'enemies' lol... except ofc my BF :) ). I just do my part the best that I could and keep far far away from these sort of stuff. But well, the tension at the lab is on an all time high and it's really stressful for me to do any work there when all I hear is talks of 'kena-ing' (sabotaging) the other side. Gah~ My BF is feeling the same way as well lol. We're kinda caught in the middle I suppose, but we're both trying very hard to get away from all of that. Maybe I should go to the lab one day and play that song from the movie, Bridge to Terabithia - 'Why can't we be friends?' - just to see their reaction lol. :P

There is no use trying to care for the lab either... since it's like I'm the only person re-preparing all the ran-out reagents and keeping items stocked up... oh and I also clear the wastes. I'm like the lab assistant/ cleaner there... who isn't paid a cent to do this sort of work. Since I'm still the 'most junior' in the lab and that my supervisor might/might not be taking on new student/s for like ever... all the dirt and sht I'll be picking up for the rest of my post grad studies lol. That's one of the reason I hated hierarchy. I mean like come on! There is a list showing the scheduled rotation for waste clean-up and so far, I'm the only person who is doing ALL of the work... and not to mention, if I refuse to do it on the reason that nobody else is doing it, then they be like 'oh you cannot be like this. You must CARE about the lab.' Yeah, I cannot, but you can lah, is that right? Such a hypocrite. Bah~ 

With my money problems, experiment problems, tuition problems, not-enough-free-time problems, fed-up-with-a-lot-of-people problems, I'm afraid I might just go insane.... When you are overwhelm with so much uncertainty in life, with so much to worry about, it's really really hard to keep a positive outlook (though I find that upbeat music do help, until I start to think about my problems again lol). Haiz, sometimes you'd wish all these could just be ended with a snap of a finger. I want to escape, but I'm bound by invisible bonds that I've put on on myself. I should have followed my friend earlier last year and left this place. It is too late to leave now? Yes, I suppose it's late, but if I continue on like this, the toll might just be even higher for me and what will happen then? 

What will happen then? ...

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