Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Something about postgrad supervisors

When people don’t like you, nothing actually happens. The world does not end. You don’t feel them breathing down your neck. In fact, the more you ignore them and just go about your business, the better off you are.


haha, but when that person's your supervisor, a whole lot of sht can happen. The world can theoretically end. You can practically feel them breathing down your neck. In fact, the more you ignore them, the worse deep sht you'll get yourself into

Link and source of the above snapshot: https://medium.com/p/52bc4be9e7c1

Reposted from my facebook :)

P/S: Yeah, speaking of facebook, it is taking awfully slow (actually, the page is already there but I need to add in some details ;) ) but I'm determined to set a facebook page up for my blog. So I can only share good, funny stuff there without actually 'befriending' you. Honestly, trust me, that's actually a good thing, coz well, I think you won't like having a facebook friend who kept spamming posts your news feed lol (I can share quite a lot of stuff in a day). :P I'll also repost some funny status updates from my actual facebook account from time to time as well.

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