Friday, March 14, 2014

I'm now on Tumblr!

I mean my blog is.... which actually means I am on tumblr...? Doh!

Anyway, I have a Tumblr account since like ages ago but I have never used it, but now, I saw the awesome changes it has... I kinda like it :) It has FB features with blogging capability and some extra features of its own. It's just awesome!

May not be so suitable for long lengthy blog posts, but it looks sound and I'm thinking of trying to carve some time in order to maintain an active Tumblr account without sacrificing this blog ( preeeeciousssssss blog :D)

Come and uh.. follow(?) me on Tumblr and see some shorter but still equally funny/cool/interesting stuff that I post from time to time.... in the very distant future :P 

Oh and that facebook fanpage *in a very tiny voice* Ihavebeenprocrastinatingcozofmyveryfrustratingworkloadfromallmypart-timejobsandafull-timemastersstudy. There! xD Enjoy decrypting that hehe. Actually, it's just a page for my blog.... not exactly a fanpage but a place where you can see the sort of stuff that I actually like/ statuses that I sometimes post about some interesting aspect of my life/thinking and are too short to be posted here on my blog. I already have it up and ready, just that I'm still don't know whether I'd have the time to maintain it or not. aiks....

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