Monday, March 10, 2014

Several questions to ask your potential supervisor

...before confirming your candidature with him/her for Masters or PhD.

  1. Ask for his/her expectations.
  2. Ask him/her for an estimate on how fast you can graduate. 
  3. Inform him/her of any possible limitations (usually financially/ family requirements) on your part - for example, scholarships that only support up to 3 years of a PhD candidate's study. You can try to supplement your scholarship (some only supports your tuition  fees without allowance and that your institute does not have TA position for you to apply for) with part-time jobs, but trust me, part-time jobs won't even cover half of your monthly expenses... and I'm talking about the normal part-time jobs yeah? 
Unless you have plenty of money and time to spend/waste, then you can ignore all these questions.

Plus, I'm speaking this from experience... my main project is approaching 10 months in being delayed and I have no control whatsoever over my main project due to my 'apprenticeship' to a senior who doesn't care a shit about your project and more on his own project. I don't blame him anyway... I mean, hey, everyone wants to graduate, right? 

However, the worse part is that he doesn't allow me to handle ANY part of my project - for example, I knew I needed to do some radioactive work. If I have any say in this, I would have applied for the licence BEFORE I started the first part of my project (which I estimate would take around 5 months). Right after 5 months or so, I would have had my licence and can buy radioactive materials for my project.... BUT NOES!! My senior said he will handle it and refused to let me anywhere near the documents. Okay... fine. But then, my project was delayed for over 5 months before, after all the bureaucratic red-tape for licence application, I even got my radioactive badge. And now, they want to delay some more (I'm on my 5th month now) coz they said radioactive material is expensive and need to wait for more people who needed to use it before they can order it.... No wonder they refused to let me place an order by myself as well. WTF.... How long do I need to wait?!?! And considering that NO ONE else in my lab is doing any RNA work now.... I guess it'll be FOREVER before I can continue the second half of my project. FU all.

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