Thursday, April 17, 2014

Aptamer-Mediated siRNA Delivery - a paper presentation

So, I've rediscovered Slideshare and have decided to share this paper presentation of mine :) Plus, it's something like a sneak peek into what my postgrad is all about... generally :)

And uh, for the video part, I just showed the audience the video on siRNA action within the cell produced by Nature. You can probably find it on YouTube (I think that's where I've gotten it.)

If you want the paper to read (it's NOT my paper though, I'm just presenting it) and that it's not free for your institute, feel free to contact me (by commenting below) and we'll work something out :)

P/S: If you want my slides, just ask... seriously, don't just go and try to rip off my powerpoint slides lol. 

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