Friday, May 23, 2014

About writing

I have like 64 drafts of blog posts filled with bits and pieces of ideas that I came up with for stories, short stories, proses or blog posts lol and countless pieces of papers that I've gathered together and stuffed into a box... waiting for that moment when I really have the time and mood to actually do something about them.

Then I realised, with the end of Masters hopefully at the horizon and finally in view, I might not even get any of the time that I need to actually do anything about those bits and pieces of ideas. My parents will want me to get a proper job for once - I'll need to get a proper job for once (nothing is free in this life). However, I'll have weekends to myself, so I hope I can try writing up a short story or two, or perhaps a prose at least per week. Practice makes perfect, they say, and I'll just need to keep practise writing... and reading :) and still have enough time for outings with loved ones and friends and, of course, gaming! :P

This absolutely random post is inspired by

FYI, I have no idea why I wrote this lol, especially when I have tuition classes to prepare for tomorrow. Sigh.

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