Monday, June 16, 2014

Being a gamer left me...

So, I saw this on my facebook newsfeed and I thought... well, this isn't very accurately written. Let's edit this a little bit, shall we? ;)

1. Perfect aiming using a mouse/a gamepad
2. Great reflexes for the wrists and perhaps arms
3. History knowledge - ofc only the interesting parts, where people kill other people :P
4. English language - mixed in with a lot of jajajajaja ;)
5. Co-op tactics - more like pulling out hair in frustration 
6. strategic planning - it's a guaranteed wipe, no matter how good your planning is for killing a boss, if your single surviving healer DC-ed or is lagging to the point of doing nothing (and other worse case scenarios) :P
7. Never surrender mentality - when overwhelmed by the opposing faction, avoid respawning in order to avoid getting ganked over and over at the ressing point (heh) or best case, Alt+F4 to quit the BG... unless you can stealth ofc 
8. And hours and hours of fun + cursing at the computer/teammates over teamspeak ;)

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