Friday, August 22, 2014

How to Balance Personal and Work Life

Sage words for any budding micro-entrepreneur.

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, there exists in you a burning desire to get it all done. The point is, your goal should not be to get everything finished, but finish what is important. Stress levels peak because of a feeling of being rushed not being busy.
 ------ stress level still peaking after almost 2 months... sigh and it's getting even worse.

On outsourcing - 
It is more affordable than you may think. Is it cheaper to do it yourself- yes, of course. But ask yourself, “How much is my time worth?”. 
----- Exactly what I told somebody and declined any further job offers from him lol. I told him, 'Although I enjoy working for you, but you have to make it worth my while to work for you too.' and by that I don't mean getting paid ridiculous sums of money for a simple job... I'm stating that I'm seriously underpaid and I can't afford to continue working like this.

On defining success - 
Lastly, we all to often allow others to dictate our values and our self-worth. What does success look like to you? What will it feel like for you to achieve it? Ultimately you will be the one putting in the hard work and sacrifice to attain it, so what exactly do you want? 
----- Some people see the ability to travel overseas often as a mark of success, some other defines it by driving the coolest cars or having the biggest house. I'm not sure what I want yet, but I know I don't want to be stressed out all the time... I seriously need to manage distractions, my workload and finding a balance. I feel like I'm working my ass off.

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