Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Book Challenge

The Book Challenge

I was tagged by a friend to do the book challenge. Basically what you do is list up to 10 books which have changed your life and affected you most and which you will keep/remember for life.

There are plenty of books that I like and I would recommend, especially if you are looking for books from the sci-fi or fantasy genre and do not mind that the book's target readers are young adults or children (lol). To me, a good book is still a good book no matter the age-range of its intended readers. :)

1. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
The only series that got me hooked so bad that when my dad bought me the 4th book (I had to borrow from the library the previous 3 books), I recalled that I've read it at least 47 times over the year/s.... at least until book 5 came out lol. (Note that my recollection may be vastly inaccurate since it was like ages ago lol)

2. Homeward Bounders by Dianne Wynne Jones (being the first of her books that I read) and all other books (including the Chrestomanci series, Dalemark quartet and Howl's Moving Castle and sequels etc)
One of the masters... or queen of fantasy. I love how she present her story and how her characters have depth and are quirky and amusing. If you like fantasy and have never read any of her books, you should! Even though it's considered young adult/children fiction, it's still worth the read.

3. Abhorsen, Lirael and Sariel by Garth Nix
No words to describe these books.... coz well, I've forgotten most of the story lol. I just recall that it was a great fantasy book and it made me want to become an Abhorsen for a couple of years lol.

4. Elantris and other books (Warbreaker, Steelheart) by Brandon Sanderson
His stories are usually very dreary at first and put the ugly parts of humanity into the limelight. But gradually, as the story progresses, you'll see unlikely heroes emerging from unlikely places to save the day. Plus, his plot twists are just so brilliantly executed! Thank you to Alex for recommending it to me.

5. Battlestar Galactica by Glen A. Larson and Robert Thurston
I've learned a lot of 'space slang' and had written a couple chapters of 'fanfic' because of it lol... Reread it plenty of times as well. My first proper sci-fi storybook (Dune is the second).

6. Fighting Fantasy gamebook series by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone
When I discovered this, I was overjoyed... why? Coz it's practically book+game lol. Due to my love for gamebooks, it has spawned my short-lived enterprise of producing gamebooks with my bro as my partner and illustrator (and sometimes, co-author).

7. Cell by Stephen King
Although Stephen King made his name by writing mainly horror stories, this is one book that haunted me for years. It's a excellent mix of post-apocalyptic and horror. I'm not a fan of his other books though (I read them but I didn't like them as much).

8. The Famous Five series by Enid Blyton
Actually, it should be Lima Sekawan series because I read the translated version. Due to these books, I had managed to improved my bahasa (which is currently in shambles due to lack of use).

9. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
The only book that is not a series that had managed to, almost, bring me to tears. (well, honestly, I cried a little at the ending) The movie is as powerful and as tear-jerking as the book. This book is only of its kind that I read... so far.

9. Goosebumps by R.L.Stine
The only books that I read when I was very little. I like to think that these books paved way for my interest in reading as well as writing.  In fact, I think my very first 'book' that I've written is a horror story... that was lost somehow. Probably thrown away during one of my dad's little end-of-the-year cleaning.

10. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
This is probably the only non-fiction book in this list *check the list* Yup, it is, lol. I've read plenty of non-fiction stuff, mind you - it's just that I prefer reading short articles about them rather than a whole book. That is the one time I've finished an entire non-fiction book and had tried to implement its 'habits' into my life... which worked for a couple of months and then I gave up (or rather, I've forgotten to follow the 'habits').

I choose you!!!

So, if you're not tagged by any of your friends for the ice bucket challenge, are feeling a bit left out and you're reading this, well, consider yourself challenged! You don't even need to write a description for your book list. Just a list of 10 of your all-time favourite books should be perfect and I promise I won't judge :P

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