Thursday, September 25, 2014

My own website... for realz!

Yes, I'm not sure what's gotten over me, but I find myself typing 'z' when the word doesn't even require that letter...lolz

Gah, anywayz, I'm setting up my own website on a free-hosting site (This wasn't my first one - it will be my 3rd one) :) and that website is the place where I'm gonna put up my online working experience and stuff, and hopefully, someone will go ahead and hire me. If not, it's okay though (okay.jpg) ... I'm also thinking of setting up my own food business IRL... well, let's just wait and see.

I might create another website just for my blog so I can post some more stupid stuff up - like... hmm, I'm not very sure what I'll put up yet, but I'm thinking about it. But mainly, I wanted to create that website coz I'm having fun with the very user-friendly interface. :)

Seriously, I'm not even sure why I wrote this blog post. Just to give you guys a teaser on what I'm up to next I suppose (as 'advertised' on the header of my blog) :)

So, yeah, I've done my big announcement and you guys know about it... I guess it's high time I actually go to sleep. Ciaoz!~   *Gah, godammit! Enough with the Zs already!*

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