Monday, September 22, 2014

Unification Wars - New systems guide and other tips

I've tried googling and I ended up with a list of links that are useless and very messy. So, I've decided to compile a list of the types of new systems that you can create along with its perks (% bonus for housing, agriculture, mining, commerce, etc). I know for some of them, you can pretty much guess out their bonus perk, but having a list wouldn't hurt lol :P

Hope this helps!

And, oh yeah, if you like strategy, empire-building-sort of games (like The Settlers Online) with a space theme, then you should simply check this game out :) It's pretty awesome! However, if you hate playing text-based games, then you might want to skip this one. :P

Note that those without a mining facility cannot mine the ores that are available in that particular system.

New systems list
1. Eden
For massive population increases (and huge man power) and tax incomes.

Housing 0%
Commercial -80% 

2. Heavy
For heavy industries and for mining.

Housing -80%
Industry 40%
Mining -30%

3. Sol
The most basic and well-rounded system (can support a pop, farms, commercial, industry and can mine for ores).

Housing -80%
Commercial -30%
Industry -30%
Agriculture -30%
Mining -60%

4. Capital
For your money-generating needs. You will still need to increase your population in order to get the man power you need to power your commercial industry.

Housing -80%
Commercial 40%
Agriculture -30%

5. Farm
Huge agricultural production system.

Pending stats

6. Rich
Mineral/ore-rich system.

Housing -80% 
Commercial -60% 
Agriculture -60% 
Mining 40% 

7. Dark
Not very sure what the purpose of this system is but for this system, I've gotten Terran metal (finally!) lol :P

Housing -99%
Commercial -50%
Industry -20%
Agriculture -50%
Mining -50%

Also, by creating more new systems from your home system, you will get

1. 1.6x defence for your home system and previously-created systems per new system
2. New mineral that you can mine for

Other tips
1. Set your turns regeneration to moderate or large if you plan to be away for some time (like sleeping).
2. You can set your empire to vacation mode if you plan to take a few days/weeks/months off the game so that you can get a free protection bubble for the entire duration.
3. Don't leave scouts hanging around in your fleet. Once you've used them, disband them (I sound cruel lol but it's the most efficient way of using your empire's funds)
4. Ensure that you ALWAYS have a surplus of resources for each of your systems, unless it is unavoidable. Any surplus can be sold for money when/if needed.
5. Don't forget to Reward your population from time to time to keep them happy and, most importantly, loyal!

P/S: I'll also probably stop playing this after I get the review done despite that it's a pretty wicked game... due to lack of free time. Woe is me!

Link to play the game (free-to-play):

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