Sunday, October 5, 2014

What various games taught me

So, I was inspired to write this blog post after watching Jenna Marbles video (with a similiar title) on the various games that she has played/known about - I've actually watched that ages ago and this blog post have been gathering dust in my drafts box. I'll put them into categories the best I can and I'll try to recall as many games as I could :) 

Note: I don't guarantee that these will be hilarious. Just sayin' ;)

Still under construction. I'm putting this up while it is still under construction just so you'll know what sort of crap I'll put into this blog post :P


General stuff learned

  • Don't worry about massacring x number of mobs just because someone told you to - they will respawn before you can even get your ass out of there.
  • Gold spammers are EVERYWHERE. They even stalk you when you're sleeping... honest! (Not really...... but maybe... heh ;))
  • You can hold your breath sooooooooooooooooooo much longer in-game than in real life.
  • Queues for dungeons and/or BGs at lower levels will take so long, I could finished reading a 1000-page book and I'm not even in a group yet.
  • Having a loot that you had raided 5-7 hours+ (days even!) for ninja-ed from right under your nose is one of the worst feeling ever...
  • Camping or ganking is the favourite past time of higher levels when they are gathering resources for their profession and happen to see you (the lower level 'noob') questing. It may or may not develop into an all out guild war or ganking! 
  • Vendors or merchants will usually buy whatever junk you have in your bags... despite being a 'food merchant' or an 'armour merchant'.

Ragnarok Online II

I've spent around half a year+ in this game and I had all classes to max level with a few of them having hard mode gear. But ofc, knowing me, I've spent most of my gaming time on the AH and farming for stuff to sell lol.

  • If there is an exploit, you can bet your horses that your raid/dungeon team will definitely use it.
  • Dungeon farming is a favourite past-time and certain people (like a certain tanker) may even dump your team half-way through a dungeon just because he finally got that sword he came for. 


As you would know (if you read my blog for long enough), I started playing Rift only mid of 2012 and I've spent most of my time building childish dimensions and stalking the AH. However, I had levelled around 3 characters and counting (1 lvl 60; 1 lvl 50 and 1 lvl 38 + several bank characters that I might level some day :) ). I don't play it nowadays though. I caught myself so obsessed over AHing and artifact collecting that I hardly do anything else in Rift... except AHing and artifacts hunting... lol. I had to stop. Sorry!

  • Falling off any high places will not kill you.... ever. (This is true for the Borderlands series as well! :P)
  • If you are an obsessed artifacts hunter, you'll spend a lot of time searching for sparkling thingies on the ground... to the point where you actually do it in real life as well.
  • Jumping events are hilarious! Seeing people dropping from the skies as they fell is extremely funny, especially when you're jumping yourself.
  • Dimension building is one of the best things ever! (and is also a huge time sink)


Being a big and loyal (until up to last year) fan of WoW (non-retail), I've been playing this for like around 5 years+ It is one of the most memorable MMORPG for me. I had like 30 characters spread across different game accounts and had experience playing all character classes and specs though my favourite remains the fire/arcane mage and resto druid (they tied for the spot hehe) :)

  • You can still keep all your clothes after you transformed back from being various animals (i.e. cat, leopard [travel form], bear) or even a tree.
  • Assassination rogues are scumbag backstabbers. (Yes, I've gotten chain ambush+backstab so many f-ing times until I gave up counting them lol.. funny thing is I do the exact same thing to other people on my rogue lol :P)
  • Nobody ever goes after the f-ing healer in BGs. (okay this has too much generalization - I do go after the healer... by myself without any help and get killed in the process :\) and some of the time nobody even PROTECTS the healer... (I mean like yeah, the healer can protect him/herself, but, when he's getting ganged up, any help is hugely appreciated lol)
  • Dropping off your flying mount high in the sky and transforming into a bird form right before you hit the ground is like the best feeling ever... if only you can do this in real life :) (sky-diving is pretty similar I suppose :P)
  • Seeing someone getting banned while hacking right in front of your face is pretty fun as well... especially when he is trying to show off to you (the girl) - and you're not the one reporting him either lol.

Other MMORPGs 
Like Dragon Nest etc.

  • Being able to solo a hard dungeon all by yourself is the pinnacle of achievement that no one will get to see... unless of course, you frap yourself doing it. :P

First-person shooter

Like Counterstrike, Battlefield series, Left for Dead
  • Shooting your teammates (either accidentally or on purpose) is hilarious, especially when they die and they rant over Ventrilo, Teamspeak or any similar software
  • Leaving your team and going solo may possibly be the worse in-game decision that you've ever made.

    Role-playing games

    Like Skyrim, Dragon Age, The Witcher, Fable, Deus Ex etc

    • You would save at critical decision-making points just so you can reload the game and choose the other option instead.
    • Vendors or merchants will usually buy whatever junk you have in your bags... despite being a 'food merchant' or an 'armour merchant'.

    Like Borderlands, Fallout, Bioshock, Halo, etc

    • You would continue playing the game until you reach your next checkpoint before you can quit the game just so you won't need to replay that part of the chapter again.

    Dungeon games

    Diablo/ Dungeon Siege/ Other dungeon games

    • You will never have enough inventory space for all your loot.
    • If you see a barrel, you gotta smash it; if you see a crate, you also gotta smash it... if you see any smash-able stuff, you gotta smash it... chances are, there will be loot inside :)
    • Most of the time, a straight up hack-and-slash + spam-your-attack-button strategy works... for mobs. 
    • Potions are extremely important for any dungeon games. Make sure you horde them!

    Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games

    Like Risk, Shogun, Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, Starcraft, Warcraft, C&C etc etc

    MOBA games

    Like DoTA, LoL, Heroes of the Storm, etc etc (I don't play MOBA much)
    • Be prepared for plenty of cursing over the coms or on chat.
    • There will always be one team member who will think he's better than everyone else and likes to order people around or go solo when he's frustrated.
    • Camping! Just to get more kill ratios.

    Card-based games

    Like Hearthstone

    Tower-defense games

    There are generally several types of tower defense, the most common 2 types are - some allow you to build limit number of towers at strategic and not-so strategic locations throughout the map and some lets you build as many towers as you like in order to build a maze-sort of place for the mobs to run through.

    • It teaches me how to build a perfect zig-zag maze.
    • Sometimes, building a new tower is more economical than upgrading a tower.
    • If there is a summon option, summon troops at choke points every time the CD cooled off. Don't waste it!

    Time-management games

    • It teaches me to click my mouse faster and, sometimes, harder (not that clicking it harder will help you in any way).
    • Planning is key! You need to do a lot of stuff at the same time and hopefully they don't all complete at the same time - or you'll be getting burnt food lol.

    Casual games


    • There are pokemons EVERYWHERE in the game! Even in your closet and under your bed...!! 
    • Pokemon hunting is a favourite past-time... this means you will be running to and fro across a small patch of grass just so you can finally get that pokemon you want.
    • Collection-ist syndrome is a common side effect of playing pokemon.

    I'll add more stuff as I play more games or think of anything interesting. :)

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