Friday, November 7, 2014

Plague Inc - A guide to conquering the world with your disease!

And kill off the entire human population. :P

Okay, so it's very easy to do conquer the world in Plague Inc and I'll just cut to the chase. Do note that I've only started playing and am still using bacteria as a way to infect people, but I reckon the principle of the game is pretty much the same even if you're using viruses or something else.

1. Start your disease in a poor country

First, it's best to start in a poor country. These countries have low hygiene, low capability to develop a cure, has a huge base population and low medical personnel. The perfect cauldron for your disease! 

However, once you get pro at this game, you can easily try to start your disease via the european countries (those cluster of countries around UK looks juicy lol - plenty of transportation access).

2. Increase your disease's infectivity!

Since you're starting in poor countries, these countries are usually hot, humid and arid. So, the best way of transmission would be Insects (Best), Blood (Secondary) or Airborne (Secondary). You should also get Rats once you hit countries with more urban areas. 1 level of evolution into these is sufficient - you don't need to get level 2.

For symptoms, anything that can increase infectivity should be your first choice. Rash and Cysts are good choices for starters and for poorer countries. You should gradually spend DNA points on symptoms that will increase infectivity in urban and wealthy countries too.

Once you get any of those, I must simply emphasize on getting Water 1 transmission. This is the only way you can get to that pesky island up north (hint, hint, Greenland). Get this early on so that you can widen your spread and cover all the countries in the world.

3. Increase the resistance of your pathogen

Once more and more people get infected, your disease will become known to the world. This is the time to spread even faster (before they can develop a cure) by making your disease as resistant as possible. The first to max out is bacterial resistance. Then, drug resistance (so that you can infect people more quickly in wealthy countries) as well as cold resistance (Hint: the wealthy countries up north).

You should also start spending points on inhibiting any attempts by countries in developing the cure.

4. Increase severity and lethality of your disease

Once (or slightly before) you get complete global infection, start getting symptoms that increases lethality AND inhibits the progress for a cure. These will usually cost a lot of DNA points, so you may want to de-evolve some of the 'increase infectivity'-only symptoms or methods of transmission since you have no use for those. Do note that de-evolving only gives you back 2 DNA points - it's really pitiful - so consider it for some time before de-evolving a symptom.

Furthermore, keep stacking up abilities that slows the progress of the cure! Don't forget to pop all bubbles that pops up, especially the blue ones!

If you get any mutation bonuses, then good for you :)

This is also the time where you shouldn't be spending any more DNA points on transmission.

5. Laugh evilly at the screen

Get those 'muahahahaha' ready when your disease managed to caused the extinction of the human population!


P/S: I've just started on virus and I can say that the gameplay is pretty much the same except that for virus, it has a higher rate of mutation so you may want to de-evolve some symptoms in order to lower its lethality. :)

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