Friday, November 21, 2014

Rant - Zeus

I haven't done a rant in quite a long time (since like my undergrad days)

Anyway, I came across this article and it got some of my blood boiling...

As a PhD (or postgrad) student, for several years you’re paid to study something you care about and learn how to think creatively. 

..........uhm, some poor postgrads (I'm not naming names here) PAY the university to do work that other people GET PAID for. In fact, the people who actually GET PAID to do the work, did not do their work and push all their work load to you... the student and you cannot really complain to anybody since A. Your PI doesn't care (and he/she also 'asks' you to do his/her work all the time - you're practically his/her personal secretary + lab manager + science officer + store/inventory keeper + intern/undergrad/mix-mode trainer and unofficial supervisor + middle man with suppliers) and B. If you don't do the work, your life at that place will turn into a living hell. It's a great system, huh?

P/S: Just ignore the 'zeus' in the post title - it's just s way for me to keep track of my different rant posts since I can't seem to remember the last number that I was at (and I'm too lazy to go find out). :P

P/P/S: This was actually written ages ago (like a week ago lol) but I've forgotten to post it up - it remained in my drafts folder until I found it today :P

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