Saturday, January 24, 2015

Why 30 is not the new 20

This blog post is inspired by Meg Jay's TED talk of the same title.

Before I start compiling stuff that I find is very meaningful or inspiring, let me give you a quick summary of what she propose that we, 20-somethings should consider to do while we're still 20-somethings...

According to her, 20-somethings is the defining decade of adulthood! 
1. Get your identity capital - Do something that adds value to who you are and as an investment to who you want to be next. Explore work and make it count!

[This, I super-agree. If I hadn't explored different type of work, I may not realise that I enjoy doing a plethora of things that I initially thought I would be bad at. However, there's a thin line between 'exploring' and 'procrastinating', so make sure which is which, from your P.O.V. of course (... honestly, I have no idea which side I'm on right now lol).

Also now, I have too many 'ideas' and no clear direction (long-term ones) to move towards... which is quite as bad as having no direction at all IMHO]

2. New things come from weak ties. Don't just stay in your 'urban tribes'... network with other people!

[She means that we, 20-somethings should network more... (the introversion in me is getting the shivers now, aiks...)]

3. The time to start picking your family is in your 20-somethings

[She said not to wait until the very last moment when you'll just pick the one nearest to you]

More reading:
(This is similar to what Meg has said in her TED talk, but the summary in Forbes made it easier to read :) )

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