Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Spiced up my blog!

So, yeah, I'm not sure if you've noticed, I've added a little something something to the blog :)

Hopefully it works. I haven't really tested it out yet, but since it's from an established company, I'd reckon that it'll work fine :)

Anyway, a quick update - I've been BUSY. Like seriously BUSY! Knock my head on the wall BUSY, but it's keeping me on my toes and on sleep deprivation, but meh... :P

So, all I wanted to say is that I'll still post here from time to time, but it'll be really really rare to see me around here now. I'll try - but yeah, it'll be much less... except during weekends maybe :P

Okay, that's about it...

I want to wish you all a very happy (and early) Chinese New Year - it's next week! :D I'll probably put on weight by then... but wth, the food's good :P

Oh right, one more thing, if you really like to see what I'm posting, do check out my Aveyn's Blog facebook page. It is currently the only way to be active - I'm still rather 'active' on my personal FB account, so I do post interesting stuff up on my blog's FB quite frequently... not frequently enough to be counted as spam, but enough to let you know that I'm still around and kickin' :)

Okay, that's really it. If you like the new changes, feel free to write something in it and let me know :)

Til then, ciao!

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