Sunday, November 8, 2015

Personality Test

Okay.. don't laugh but well, I was asked to write reviews for online dating sites and I find that a tad bit awkward and embarrassing, especially considering when I have a BF. 

Anyway, one of these sites have an interesting personality test (by a Dr Helen Fisher) and well, I took it... as it is part of the sign up process. Needless to say, I find the results rather intriguing, though not at all surprising. Well, here goes: 

So apparently, the test separates people into 2 of 4 types - Director, Builder, Negotiator and Explorer. (For an overview of all 4 types of personalities, check out the diagram at the very bottom)

Well, rage is not my thing... not mainly anyway. I would say that I'm more predisposed to getting irritated, and annoyed. When frustrated, I actually might even cry (yes, yes... I was a crybaby... but whatever...). For the rest of the stuff listed, I dare say I have almost all of them to a certain degree (but more than quite a lot of people, I'm surprised to say). 

Now, for the second part, it's a hit-and-miss for half of the stuff, while the other half is pretty much spot on. I don't think I'm overly critical of others as much as I'm overly critical of myself.... and well, calling me "social" is hilarious. I'm as social as a rock... nah, not really, but that's what you'll glean off me when you first meet me anyway.... unless I'm in one of my "crazy" moods where I will share info about myself very freely (within certain boundaries, of course)

I don't actually like to debate... because I'll probably lose lol :P but for the rest of the stuff, I think they are kinda accurate. Do note that, to me, the font size of the words is irrelevant to their importance, coz if it is, then this table is wayyyyyy off.

A summary of all the 4 personality types. Which 2 of them are you? :)

If you like this sort of stuff, I'd recommend you to sign up for the site, using fake info or something, just so you can take the personality test and learn more about yourself. Of course, it is also best to delete your account after this, so as to not bloat up the site with inactive accounts... if you're concerned about that kind of stuff that is :P

P/S: I'm super sorry for not being able to keep this blog updated and such for an entire month. I'll try to put at least some stuff up once a week, though I hope to put more stuff up eventually as I get accustomed to my new work load. I will also post more stuff up on my Facebook page so you can see that I'm still alive and well, and has not went totally off-the-grid for whatever (horrifying) reasons that might come to your mind :P

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