Monday, March 5, 2018

Typing Test Results

After avoiding it for such a long time, I've finally decided to give it a go. My first attempt was pretty all right - 66 WPM - but I was caught off-guard because I thought there would be a countdown before the test actually starts :P

Anyway, my second attempt faired much better (obviously, because I know how things work now), but still, I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't get a Pro rating hehe... all in good time I think.

I should also let you all know that I managed to achieve this typing test result without using the "standard typing method"... you know, the one where you are required to place your fingers from ASDF to JKL; 

In fact, I type in a rather weird style I guess - I basically use four fingers on my left hand (except the pinky finger) and only the middle finger on my right. I also use my middle finger on my right hand to swipe, tap and do any action on my phone/tablet :P 

That being said, I would like to point out that having a fast typing speed doesn't mean you can be a good content writer though. I'm really befuddled as to why people like to boast about their typing speed when applying for a content writing position. It's "good to know", but it's not exactly a priority (something that I'm looking for), especially when the company is paying you on a per content basis. 

A quick tip - it's more important to work on your "voice" when you write; to develop, your own unique style and tone (particularly for content that require you to express your opinions, and not say... a company's press release). 

Being able to show that you are willing to do all the necessary research to write a pretty good copy is important as well... since apparently and surprisingly not many people are willing to do so.  

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