Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Critical thinking seminar

I just want to get this out of my head before I start doing my work :P

Well, last Sunday, Kai Wen, Wei Ying and I went to a workshop (more like) on critical thinking and our trainer is called Capt. Ariva. He's really a captain lol, I at first thought it is just a 'gelaran'. He said he was in the Malaysian Navy once and now he claimed that he had 5/6 shipping companies and, if I'm not mistaken, a millionaire. Actually, I think that's rather true. One thing for sure, he had the energy. I mean, he had been bouncing up and down in the workshop since 9am while most of the students are tired by 5pm lol.

Anyway, he taught us the 5 thinking hats method - there is a red hat, a blue hat, a white hat, a black hat and a yellow hat. And, well, truthfully, I really don't think this method is applicable in daily life or even in school life (during assignments). I had my own way of doing assignments, and so far, it's going on quite well... heyyy maybe I can give a talk as well. 10 ringgit per person and I'll be rich in no time =D

Back to the topic... the method is like... so not applicable. First things first, I don't believe in teamwork most of the time. It's cumbersome.... and it's my opinion so no flaming plox. But it's a good practice to do.. you won't get too bored -that's for sure- and, well, more brains to think up new ideas (wider knowledge pool, I guess).

Ok... back BACK to the topic... the workshop. Aha... yessss.. alrighty then, the workshop. It ended uneventfully ofc but I did had quite a good time there. The tea provided during the tea breaks is awesome. I also like the kaya+butter bread served for breakfast. Haha, thinking of my stomach again :P

Oh, talking about stomachs... my stomach is growling lol. Getting a quick snack then. :) THEN, I'll start on the work. Heh.

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