Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A realisation

I suddenly realised something :o

I know why teachers' children are so, um, well, I'm just being honest here... well, in short, they do better in exams. It's because they know how the teachers are setting the questions. They can easily identify the key points by just looking at how the teacher emphasise on some topic. And this experience can only be gained by watching over the back of your parent/s while they're setting their test papers or even helped them do it. I almost always help my mom type out her test papers (she is, well, not very computer savvy.. :P)

Besides, parent/s being teachers will know the importance (based on the education system ofc) of education and will somehow pressure their children to do well in their exams. Whether they realise it or not, these parent-teacher will exert some influence over their children's studies by promising gifts or denying the children some privilages etc etc. Normal parents do that all the time as well but not as good as a/two parent-teacher/s.

Hmm, that's something to think about isn't it?

Ok, I'm really going to do my work now... cya! xD

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